Towne Properties Video Review

July 16, 2012: Below is the preliminary version of the narrated Employee Orientation video for Towne Properties for review. The video is a rough cut of Chris’ narrated soundtrack, without video clips. Once the soundtrack is approved, we’ll edit in the video clips, and additional staff interview clips.

July 17, 2012: Added Neil, Office staff and TAAD staff interview footage clips, for Towne review.
July 18, 2012: Added Auntrell iView at TAAD for review.
August 6, 2012: Posted NEW Preliminary Version – Narrated Towne History.
August 8, 2012: Posted Rough Cut Version – Narrated Towne Orientation.
August 8, 2012: Posted Complete Focus-Group Version – Towne 101.
Sept 21, 2012: Posted David and Ben iViews for review.
Sept 24, 2012: Posted new Revision video for review.
Sept 27, 2012: Uploaded final Version video for review.

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