Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions we often hear from our clients. If you have additional questions, we encourage you to simply email us via the contact form we have provided at the bottom of this page.

Q. How do Clubhouse Tours differ from other video production?

Clubhouse Tours
A. Most apartment video tours being produced today are simply info-mercial style video presentations. Clubhouse Tours differs sharply from this approach in that we actually tour your online prospects through your community and apartment homes, just as if they were there in person. Other differences include:

  • 1. High quality HD video shot & edited by professionals.
  • 2. Delivered on a unique, custom designed, easy to use on-line video player linked to your current website.
  • 3. You own your tours, use of the tours is not contingent upon continued advertising.

Q. I have a website and I understand the concept of video tours, but how do I get the video’s “on” my website?

A. A code is embedded in your current website which links your new on-line player to your website. This is a simple task that can be done by your webmaster or Clubhouse Tours. No re-design is needed.

Q. What is an on-line video player?

A. An on-line video player is to your website, what a DVD player is to your TV. It is a means to play video on the internet.

Q. Can’t I just use You Tube to host (play) my video tours?

A. Yes, that is an alternative, but after you get prospects to your site, why would you want them to leave by being prompted to watch other non-related videos or competitor videos? Your tours are subject to any advertising or changes You Tube decides to add. This may not be the professional image you want your website to display. Remember, free does come with a price. Hosting is a service we offer, but our production is not contingent upon our hosting.

Q. Who owns the rights to my tours?

A. This is an important question to ask any company you consider paying for video production. Do you only have rights to the video tours as long as you continue to advertise such as some of the advertisers provide? You own all rights to your Clubhouse Tours and are welcome to use them everywhere you wish, now and in the future.

Q . My company manages communities in five different states; can you produce them all?

A. Clubhouse tours produces anywhere in the contiguous 48 states.

Q. Are there other benefits?

A. Here’s a few more ways you’ll benefit with Clubhouse Tours:

  • 1. Check out our innovative Clubhouse TV idea: Transform your clubhouse television into a powerful leasing tool. Imagine greeting your on-site prospects with blue sky’s, glistening pools, and green landscapes even on the coldest, gray winter days!
  • 2. You have access to all the high definition, wide angle, digital photography for use in other marketing ventures.